PgmNr D164: CRISPR/Cas9-based tools for in vivo transcriptional activation and repression in Drosophila.

B. Ewen-Campen 1 ; Lu-Ping Liu 1 ; Rong Tao 1 ; Donghui Yang-Zhou 1 ; Shauiliang Lin 1 ; Xingjie Ren 3 ; Sun Jin 3 ; Jian-Quan Ni 3 ; Shu Kondo 4 ; Norbert Perrimon 1,2

1) Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute; 3) Medicine, Tsingua University, Beijing, China; 4) National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan.

Keyword: other ( CRISPR/Cas9 )


CRISPR/Cas9-based transcriptional activation (CRISPRa) and repression (CRISPRi) provide a powerful new set of tools for studying gene function in vivo. A major advantage of these systems is that any gene-of-interest can be targeted using a ~20bp guide RNA, making this approach versatile and scalable. However, several different dCas9-fusions and sgRNA design rules have recently been published, and the most effective approaches have not been defined. In this study, we directly compare different dCas9-fusion proteins for both CRISPRa and CRISPRi in vivo, and identify highly effective approaches for each. We also present a growing collection of publically available Drosophila stocks for activating and repressing target genes in various tissues. Together, these studies lay a foundation for our ongoing effort to generate a genome-wide resource for CRISPRa and CRISPRi for the Drosophila community.