Total matched authors: 48

Presenter's Name Partial Abstract Title Session Assignment Program # Presentation Time
Kachroo, Aashiq Systematic humanization of yeast processes to understand human biology and disease Oral
New Technology and Systems Biology
Thursday, April 23
1:30 - 1:45 PM
Kacsoh, Balint Larry Sandler Award Talk Oral
Plenary Session and Larry Sandler Award Lecture (Drosophila)
Wednesday, April 22
2:35 - 3:00 PM
Kagemann, Catherine Wolbachia and Bag of Marbles (bam) Dynamics in Drosophila melanogaster Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Kagey, Jacob Fly-CURE: A consortium of undergraduate genetics laboratory courses mapping and characterizing Drosophila EMS mutants Poster
Ethical, Legal, Social Issues/Best Practices in Training and Education - Poster Q&A
Wednesday, April 29
2:34 - 2:36 PM
Kahveci, Emine Experimental and Bioinformatic Analyses of Coevolution of Primate Seminal Proteins and HIV/SIV Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Kane, Dan Recruitment Mechanism of DNA Polymerases during Homologous Recombination Poster
Intracellular Dynamics/Genome Integrity 4 - Poster Q&A
Wednesday, April 29
1:02 - 1:04 PM
Kao, Shao-Yen Splicing factor Scaf6/CHERP regulates muscle and nervous system development in Drosophila Poster
Gene Regulation/Disease Models and Aging 3 - Poster Q&A
Tuesday, April 28
12:30 - 12:32 PM
Kaplan, Craig Mechanisms of RNA Polymerase II transcription Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Karabasheva, Darya ReepA is Required for Endoplasmic Reticulum Clearance from Chromosomes but not Endoplasmic Reticulum Partitioning to Spindle Poles in Dividing Drosophila Cells Poster
Intracellular Dynamics/Genome Integrity 4 - Poster Q&A
Wednesday, April 29
12:06 - 12:08 PM
Karageorgi, Marianthi The making of the monarch: A constrained adaptive path to toxin resistance Oral
Adaptation in Natural Populations (PEQG)
Thursday, April 23
4:15 - 4:30 PM
Karanja, Faith Ecdysone Signaling Shapes Tissue Regeneration in Wing Discs through Regulation of Wingless Expression Oral
Gene Regulation/Genome Integrity (Drosophila)
Saturday, April 25
1:30 - 1:45 PM
Karunaraj, Prashath Functional analysis of Noggin-like genes Oral
Cell Fate and Patterning (Xenopus)
Thursday, April 23
4:15 - 4:30 PM
Kasahara, Shin Function of the C-terminal domain of Hkr1p, a signaling mucin of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the context of bud-site selection and resistance to the cell wall integrity disruptor HM-1 killer toxin Poster
Intracellular Dynamics/Genome Integrity 1 - Poster Q&A
Wednesday, April 29
2:00 - 2:02 PM
Kasimatis, Katja Partitioning reproductive success: experimental evolution of male fertility Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Katti, Prasanna Regulation of Mitochondrial Network Organization in Muscles Oral
Intracellular Dynamics (Drosophila)
Saturday, April 25
2:45 - 3:00 PM
Kaur, Diljeet Distinguishing Between Self and Foreign siRNA in the C. elegans Germline Oral
Undergraduate Session
Thursday, April 23
2:30 - 2:45 PM
Kazek, Michalina The importance of trehalose metabolism for proper Drosophila immune response during parasitoid infection. Poster
Intracellular Dynamics/Genome Integrity 2 - Poster Q&A
Wednesday, April 29
12:32 - 12:34 PM
Ke, Wenfan Dietary serine enhances chemotherapeutic toxicity through altering the metabolism of the microbiota Oral
New Technology and Resources in Development (C. elegans)
Wednesday, April 22
4:45 - 5:00 PM
Keeney, Jill The Yeast ORFan Gene Project: Finding a Place for Uncharacterized Genes to GO Poster
Ethical, Legal, Social Issues/Best Practices in Training and Education - Poster Q&A
Wednesday, April 29
2:00 - 2:02 PM
Kelley, Darcy Investigating the Evolution of Vocal Communication in Xenopus frogs Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Kim, Jung Tumors kill hosts through inflammatory disruption of the blood-brain barrier in Drosophila Oral
Disease Models and Aging (Drosophila)
Thursday, April 23
5:00 - 5:15 PM
Kim, Yongwoon 3D Imaging of Zebrafish Larvae Using the VAST BioImager Poster
New Technology and Resources/Genomics and Systems Biology 2 - Poster Q&A
Monday, April 27
12:40 - 12:42 PM
Kimmerer, Greg Initiation and Maintenance Mechanisms of the Drosophila Histone Locus Body Poster
Gene Regulation - Poster Q&A
Tuesday, April 28
12:02 - 12:04 PM
King, Benjamin Innate Immune Response to Influenza A Viral Infection in the Zebrafish Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
King, Elizabeth Methods for inferring haplotype frequencies from pooled genomic samples with applications to evolve and resequence experiments using Drosophila melanogaster Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Kinsler, Grant Latent phenotypic complexity of adaptation in a single environment Oral
The Architectures of Complex Traits (PEQG)
Thursday, April 23
12:00 - 12:15 PM
Kinua, Amisheila Modeling Li-Fraumeni Mutations in Xenopus laevis Oral
Disease Models (Xenopus)
Wednesday, April 22
4:30 - 4:45 PM
Kiral, Ferdi Ridvan Autophagy-dependent filopodial kinetics restrict synaptic partner choice during Drosophila brain wiring Oral
Genetics of Neuronal Development and Behavior
Friday, April 24
2:25 - 2:40 PM
Klatt Shaw, Dana Connecting the lamin dots: Lmnl3 orchestrates chromosome segregation and replication timing during zebrafish cleavage stages Oral
Mechanistic Intracellular Dynamics
Friday, April 24
4:30 - 4:45 PM
Kleckner, Nancy Meiotic and Mitotic Chromosomes Oral
Yeast Genetics Meeting Lifetime Achievement Award and the Yeast Gimme a Break: Chromosome Stability in Stress and Development Session
Wednesday, April 22
1:35 - 2:00 PM
Kleinschmit, Adam Integration of Bioinformatics into Life Science Curricula: Community Development, Dissemination, and Assessment of a NIBLSE Learning Resource Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Klier, Katherine Forward genetics reveals a potential regulator of axonal transport Poster
New Technology and Resources/Genomics and Systems Biology/Neurogenetics 2 - Poster Q&A
Monday, April 27
2:02 - 2:04 PM
Knop, Michael Introduction of Michael Snyder for the Winge-Lindegren Address Oral
New Technologies and their Impact (Yeast)
Thursday, April 23
3:45 - 3:50 PM
Koenig, Daniel The genomic basis of adaptation in a ninety year long barley experiment Oral
Complex Trait Adaptation
Friday, April 24
4:15 - 4:30 PM
Konev, Alexander Genetic analysis of the Rad51D gene. Poster
Intracellular Dynamics/Genome Integrity 3 - Poster Q&A
Wednesday, April 29
1:32 - 1:34 PM
Koreman, Gabriel Upgraded tools for tissue-specific mutagenesis by CRISPR/Cas9 in Drosophila Poster
New Technology and Resources/Genomics and Systems Biology 1 - Poster Q&A
Monday, April 27
12:02 - 12:04 PM
Korunes, Katharine Assortative mating and rapid adaptation shape genetic variation in admixed Cape Verdeans Poster
Evolutionary and Population Genetics 4 - Poster Q&A
Friday, May 1
1:32 - 1:34 PM
Koshland, Douglas Lee Hartwell Lecture: Higher order chromosome structure in yeast, an informative  oxymoron then and now Oral
Gene Regulation  (Yeast)
Wednesday, April 22
3:50 - 4:15 PM
Kowalczyk, Amanda Reduced hair quantity is accompanied by convergent evolutionary rate acceleration in relevant genes and conserved noncoding elements across the mammalian phylogeny Poster
Evolutionary and Population Genetics 1 - Poster Q&A
Friday, May 1
2:02 - 2:04 PM
Krauchunas, Amber SPE-36 is an EGF-motif containing secreted sperm protein required for fertilization in C. elegans Oral
Germ Line (C. elegans)
Saturday, April 25
12:00 - 12:15 PM
Krause, Sue FlyMet: an online metabolomics atlas and resource for Drosophila Poster
New Technology and Resources/Genomics and Systems Biology/Neurogenetics 3 - Poster Q&A
Monday, April 27
12:00 - 12:02 PM
Krishnamurthy, Nandini Onyx: A benchtop platform for massively parallel editing of the yeast genome Oral
New Technologies and their Impact (Yeast)
Thursday, April 23
4:50 - 5:05 PM
Krishnan, Ramesh kumar Javelin - a novel protein, is essential in Drosophila bristle actin bundles formation Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Kubiseski, Terry Regulation of the oxidative stress response by ZTF-17 Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Kuffler, Lauren Transcriptional effects of genetic-epigenetic interactions on local genes and distant gene networks Poster
Developmental Genetics/Quantitative Genetics 2 - Poster Q&A
Thursday, April 30
2:04 - 2:06 PM
Kumar, Arun Investigating the role of protein sequestration as a response to DNA damage Poster
Intracellular Dynamics/Genome Integrity 4 - Poster Q&A
Wednesday, April 29
2:32 - 2:34 PM
Kushawah, Gopal CRISPR-Cas13d induces efficient mRNA knock-down in animal embryos Oral
New Technology and Systems Biology
Thursday, April 23
2:15 - 2:30 PM
Kusmec, Aaron Data-driven identification of environmental variables influencing phenotypic plasticity for grain yield in hybrid maize Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM