Total matched authors: 5

Presenter's Name Partial Abstract Title Session Assignment Program # Presentation Time
Uebel, Celja Using single molecule resolution to understand how phase-separated condensates organize the siRNA pathway Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Ugoaru, Caroline Functional analysis of RPN-13, a C. elegans proteasomal subunit, using a strain that indicates proteolytic function in the germline Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Ulbing, Cynthia The persistence of low-titer Wolbachia pipientis infection in antibiotic-treated Drosophila Poster
Posters without Q&A
Sunday, April 26
12:00 - 11:59 PM
Ulrich, Helle GLOE-Seq – a new genomic tool to map replication patterns and DNA lesions with nucleotide resolution Oral
Yeast Genetics Meeting Lifetime Achievement Award and the Yeast Gimme a Break: Chromosome Stability in Stress and Development Session
Wednesday, April 22
2:00 - 2:15 PM
Uribe-Salazar, Jose Fishing for function in the evolutionary gene pool: a zebrafish model for human-specific duplicated gene SRGAP2 Oral
Neurogenetics (Zebrafish)
Wednesday, April 22
5:00 - 5:15 PM