Total matched authors: 3

Presenter's Name Partial Abstract Title Session Assignment Program # Presentation Time
Qi, Wanjun C. albicans Tor1 N-terminal HEAT repeats are required for modulation of TORC1 activity during stress resistance Poster
Intracellular Dynamics/Genome Integrity 1 - Poster Q&A
Wednesday, April 29
1:34 - 1:36 PM
Qian, Wenchao A Spatial Gradient of Cell Size Controls Genome Activation and Contributes to Vertebrate Early Development Oral
Cell Fate and Patterning (Xenopus)
Thursday, April 23
4:00 - 4:15 PM
Qin, Hong Investigating the non-linear association of multiple genome-wide factors on cellular aging through network permutations Poster
New Technology and Resources/Genomics and Systems Biology/Neurogenetics 1 - Poster Q&A
Monday, April 27
1:00 - 1:02 PM